Watch Intro Video

Why This Wine?

Introduction & Overview

Why this Course?

  • Start Developing Your Pallete

    There will be a focus on 6 popular varietals to start developing the palate

  • Wine Selection

    Learn how to make intelligent and informed wine purchases

  • Wine Pairing Principles

    Elevate your wining and dining experience with wine pairing principles. You will finish this class understanding How to select the optimal wine for your chosen event or enjoyment.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1 - Personal Preference

  • 2

    Session 2 - Preparation

  • 3

    Session 3 - Purchasing

  • 4

    Session 4 - Pairing

  • 5


Meet your Teacher

LaVetta Goldsborough, Certified Sommelier

LaVetta B. Goldsborough is the founder and owner of Optimal Image Consulting, LLC. Optimal Image is built on the foundation of maximizing the excellence of life by helping others feel more confident and ready to enjoy life . LaVetta’s learning and teaching instincts paired with a passion for travel, took an exciting path as she started appreciating the fruit of the vine. LaVetta became a certified sommelier and started teaching wine appreciation classes. This certification, coupled with her etiquette training background, offers her students a unique perspective of wine. One of her personal preference concepts focuses on the interplay between your 5 senses and the 5S’s of wine tasting; her goal is to demystify the world of wine for her students.